Forensic Consulting
My forensic career began during my general psychiatry residency, where I had various opportunities to gain experience. For example, I rotated through the competency assessment unit at the local jail, served on the forensic risk assessment consultation team, and acted as an expert witness in National Institute for Trial Advocacy mock trials. Additionally, I joined the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law (APPL) and attended their annual conferences, where I completed the review course directed by Dr. Philip Resnick and presented posters on forensic-related topics.
After becoming board certified in psychiatry and completing Dr. Resnick's insanity defense evaluation course, I started providing consultation to Pennsylvania's Department of Human Services Office of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services. To date, I provided expert opinions related to trial competency and sanity in about 90 cases, with a few of those involving courtroom testimony. Building on my experiences at deposition and trial, I have refined my testifying skills through the completion of specialized training for medical expert witnesses.
My clinical work providing long-term, comprehensive treatment for trauma has been reinforced by advanced training on the Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale from the Veteran's Affairs and the completion of AAPL's course on forensic evaluations of PTSD. As an expert witness, I provide evidence-based independent medical-psychiatric examinations, opinions, and testimony on a range of trauma-related issues such as rape, sexual assault, molestation, incest, adult sequelae of childhood sexual abuse, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), dissociative disorders (e.g., dissociative identity), and personality disorders (e.g., borderline). My evaluations also use standardized measures to assess the conscious and unconscious factors that may affect the validity of a client's claims.
Case Experience
Violence Risk Assessment
College Student Violence Risk Assessment
Psychological Injury Due to Trauma
Medical Catastrophe
Sexual Assault
War Zone
Child Sexual Abuse
Disability Due to Psychiatric Disorder
Substance Use
Conversion Disorder
Panic Disorder
Trial Competence
Mental State at the Time of Crime
Aripiprazole-Related Compulsive Criminal behavior
Fetterolf F. (2017). [Review of the book Psychodynamic Treatment of Depression 2nd Edition, by Busch FN, Rudden M, Shapiro T]. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, vol 45 (3) pp. 422-424.
Fetterolf F, Mosch B, Burke T. (2013) Self-Regulation of Affect and Arousal in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome [abstract]. SLEEP, vol. 36 p. A154. Abstract 0441.
Fetterolf F, Marceau M. (2013) A Case of Bupropion-Induced Stuttering. General Hospital Psychiatry, 35(5), 574-e7.
Fetterolf F, Foster KA. (2012) Neurobiological Relevance of Schizophrenia-Associated Genetic Polymorphisms: The Effect of SMARCA2 and NIPA1 Over-Expression on Neural Cell Signaling [abstract]. In: New Research Abstract Book of the 165th Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association; 2012 May 5-9; Philadelphia, PA: APA; p 43. Abstract NR227.
Fetterolf F, Foster KA. (2011) Regulation of Long-Term Plasticity Induction by the Channel and C-Terminal Domains of GluN2 Subunits. Molecular Neurobiology, vol. 44 (1) pp. 71-82.
Fetterolf F, Porte HS. (2010) Exploring the Relationship between Sleep and an Anxiety-Related Endophenotype: Active Avoidance Learning Increases REM Sleep [abstract]. In: New Research Abstracts to the 163rd Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association; 2010 May 22-26; New Orleans, LA: APA; p 35. Abstract NR201.
Fetterolf F. (2007) Cosmetic Neurology. Ivy Journal of Ethics, vol. 8 (2) pp. 14-15.
Fetterolf F, Neiser U, Halpern BP (2007) Time Perception and Familiar Experience: The Effect of Face Recognition on Judged Duration. Cornell Synapse, vol. 1 (1) pp. 19-21.
Fetterolf F. (2017). The Process of Managing Medication in Patients with Severe Personality Disorders. [lecture]. Grand Rounds of the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, 2017 June 29; Pittsburgh, PA.
Fetterolf F, Jain A, Joseph A, Lluberes N, Mammen O. (2016). A Review: Brain, Borderline Personality Disorder, Competence [poster]. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 2016 October 29; Portland, OR.
Fetterolf F, Jain A, Fertig A, et al. (2015). Apparent Capacity in Anorexia Nervosa [poster]. Annual Meeting of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 2015 October 25; Fort Lauderdale, FL.
Fetterolf F. (2015). Involuntary Hospitalization: A Case and Discussion on Related Issues [poster]. Annual Meeting of the Midwest American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law, 2015 March 20; Pittsburgh, PA.
Fetterolf F. (2014). Can Medications Reduce Violence? [lecture]. Journal Club of the Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, 2014 October 9; Pittsburgh, PA.
Simoyan O, Patel AC, Chandragiri S, Fetterolf F. (2013). An Innovative Approach to Educating Medical Students in Psychiatry [lecture]. 39th Annual Meeting of the Association of Directors of Medical Student Education in Psychiatry, 2013 June 20-22; Williamsburg, VA.
Fetterolf F, Gessman R, Gilbride L, Htaik O, Opperman G. (2011). A Multifaceted Intervention to Improve Employee Influenza Vaccination within the Susquehanna Health System [poster]. 2nd Annual TCMC Community Health Research Symposium, Scranton, PA.
Allen P, Fetterolf F, Nystrom S, Mosch B and Nesbitt A. (2010). Assessment & Evaluation of the Usage of Advanced Directives and Do Not Resuscitate Orders (DNRs) for Patients Resuscitated/Coded in the Susquehanna Health System [poster]. TCMC Community Health Research Symposium, Scranton, PA.